The SIG102 evaluation board (EVB) enables operation of a sensors / actuators network consisting of multiple SIG102 devices (EVBs) over the DC power line.

SIG102 Evaluation Board

The SIG102 evaluation board contains all the hardware required for prototyping and testing the SIG102 device. The I/O connector interfaces with the device's eight configurable ADC/PWM/Digital Input/Digital Output pins.  A slider switch sets the SIG102 Id. The board contains a line protection network, filter and a 10V - 36V switching power supply.


The SIG102 operates as an independent I/O controller over the power line or locally by host. Read and Write commands transfer status to its eight configurable I/O pins.  The commands are executed by the device when the command 8 Id bits match the EVB set Id. The SIG102 has UART physical communication layer over DC power lines at data rates up to 115.2kbit/s. As so, the SIG102 may also be used as a new physical layer to the LIN protocol. The EVB can be connected directly to a UART/LIN controller (ECU) to operate as the network master through its TX and RX pins connected to HDI and HDO pins in the J1 Host connector. The EVB block diagram is depicted above.

Data, received by a Write command, from the master device is reflected to the SIG102 configured output pins. A Read command from the Master device triggers the SIG102 to send the status of its configured input pins. Its small footprint integrates most of the components needed for its operation allowing small size control solutions. Due to eliminating the control wires and the host controller the SIG102 as a stand-alone salve device, is an economical solution for applications as remote controlling motors, reading sensors etc.

The usage of the SIG102 reduces the harness size and increases the reliability of the application. A sleep mode enables power saving in the system. A wake-up message on DC line awakens all connected remote devices in the network.

The SIG102 is useful for a wide range of Automotive, Avionics and Industrial applications such as sensor readings, actuator activation, doors, seats, mirrors, climate control, lights, Truck-Trailer, etc.


  • Supports UART/LIN Smart I/O as a Master/Slave over the powerline.
  • Plug & Play solution with EVB-Tester and DC-BUS Test SW.
  • On-board 10V to 36V PS for 3.3V supply.
  • Eight configurable ADC/PWM/Dout/Din pins with on-board IOs connector.
  • Eliminate the need for uC at the slave side.
  • Noise robust operation.
  • 251 selectable carrier frequencies.
  • Bit rates between 9.6 Kbit/s and 115.2 Kbit/s.
  • Eliminates the UART/LIN bus control wire.
  • Sleep Mode for low power consumption


  • Consumer electronics internal network.
  • Avionics sensor - actuator bus.
  • Vehicle sub bus for doors, seats, mirrors, climate control, lights etc.
  • Electrical vehicle battery management
  • Controlling LED network


  • $120


  • €120


  • Money transfer to Yamar's bank account
  • Credit Card (Visa/MC/AMX) + 2.7%
